
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Family Function Outfit

Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas 2013

Not much going on around here at the moment. But once holidays start--look out this momma is gonna be on a rampage!!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Front Walkway........Progress #1

Ok, so with a busy schedule and working opposite of each other makes it extremely hard to get anything accomplished at home. 
Here is progress #1, there is a little left to do here. So stay tuned for Progress #2. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Hallway complete!

Ok, I know I'm a little late. No....really late with my updated hallway. But, I did finally make it!!! 

The original paint from the builder 'Sands Of Time' has been replaced with 'Coconut Leaves' by Para Paints (really love the way the paint goes on.) 

FYI: they usually have half decent sales every so often. If you can, wait until then to purchase. It ends up being the price of  the cheap stuff, which isn't a bad price. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Yes, I have an addiction......

My addiction is called 'Young House Love' and I browse this couples website frequently.... Sorry to never have mentioned this before, but, I was afraid I'd be considered a stalker!!!!

Young House Love

Click on the link, but don't blame me if you become addicted too!!! Just saying...

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton, need I say more?

What am amazing gal, I adore her more and more.  Read this article, how true is that? 

'the message kate middleton's dress is sending'

The whole world watches her every move.  She literally puts celebrities in their spot without even trying.  She takes them off their high horse and sticks them where they belong, down here with all the rest of us Humans, she's a natural, she does it so beautifully....  

She is also every little girls dream come true.  All the little girls that have too and still do live up to all those fake celebrities, all the little girls who try to wannabe or look like a model, dealing with other girls smart remarks at school cause their 'fat' or their parents can't afford all those high end clothing.  I was young once,  I saw what other girls on the larger size had and went thru.  I was lucky to always be on the petite side, but Kate she changes that for all those girls.  She sets a good example for all to realize that it is 'OK' to be you.... Love it!

Isn't this an amazing couple?  I think so.....

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Front Walkway....

The front of the house looks pretty much exactly the same since we built it. The sidelights were painted black to match the front door and the column was painted Alexandria Beige. 

So here are some before pics of the walkway. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Well on Sunday we took the boys fishing. All we did was catch and release this time. But the fish is good and its private property so only family and friends are allowed. It's literally a beach in their enormous backyard. Plus you can't see it from the road, you basically have to know its there. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Schools Out For Summer!!!!

Tomorrow they'll want to stay in pjs only cause they know they can. 
So, now what to do with them? Hmm.... Well I know a few things for sure. Starting with signing them up for karate and swimming lessons. Maybe add a vacation into that mix and some socializing. Yep, sounds like a good summer. 

Hope all will be having a blast this summer too!

Oh..... Before I forget, I will be posting pics of the painted hallway soon. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hallway Decorating

Well, here we go again!!!!

This time it shall be our hallway. We will be painting over the builders paint, Sands of Time with Coconut Leaves by Para Paint.

Stay tuned for updated photos.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Living/Dining Room Part2

Well as promised, here are the updated pictures. There are a few things still left to do, but nothing major. Also I plan on going thru the cabinet and organize it. Throw away any unwanted paperwork and donate the unwanted items.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Living/Dining Room

Well it's been 4yrs and a bit since we've built this house and the paint that's currently on the walls have faded and look so....blah!!!
So the original colour was Sands of Time, and the new paint colour is Coconut Leaves by Para Paint.
Updated pictures will follow........ For now here is the beginning and middle part.